(2020). Qualification of the Arvor-I RBR profiling float in the seawater pool at Ifremer. Ifremer. https://image.ifremer.fr/data/00659/77097/
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The Arvor-I RBR is fitted with an RBR inductive CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth). This qualification consists of several measurement profiles down to 20 meters depth, in a seawater pool, to check the overall performance of the instrument.
Floats, Oceanographic measuring techniques, Argo floats
48.36222N, 48.36222S, -4.56362E, -4.56362W
Euro-Argo RISE project, Ifremer, nke instrumentation. Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824131.
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