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1 Video(s)
Traveling video in a 3D representation of cold-water coral assemblage (Photogrammetry)
The images collected with the H-ROV Ariane were used to build 3-Dimensional models of coral assemblages living in the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon (CALADU 2019 oceanographic cruise). 3D-models were built using the ‘Structure from motion’ technique available in the Matisse software. 3D-representations provide an overview of marine habitats at a scale larger than what is seen in the field of view of a camera and allows having an overview of a marine ecosystem cleaned of the turbidity and color attenuation that are inherent to the underwater environment. Two scleractinians species forming bushes several meters high are seen in this video clip : Desmophyllum pertusum (syn. Lophelia pertusa) and Madrepora oculata.
Underwater view, Coral, Benthic species, Canyon, Benthic environment, Cnidaria, Ecology
43.218755N, 41.97661S, 4.610829E, 2.369618W