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Lepetodrilus azoricus gastropod assemblage on the Menez Gwen vent field (MAR)
Sampling the Lepetodrilus azoricus gastropod assemblage at the MG3 site in the Menez Gwen vent field (37°50.47’N; 31°33.37’W, Mid-Atlantic Ridge).
37.841167N, 37.841167S, -31.556167E, -31.556167W
We thank the captain of the R/V Pourquoi pas? and its crew for their steadfast collaboration in the success of the cruise. We are particularly grateful to François Lallier, chief scientist who greatly supported our sampling program. We are also grateful to the ROV Victor6000 pilots for their patience and constant support. This work was supported by the "Laboratoire d'Excellence" LabexMER (ANR-10-LABX-19) and co-funded by a grant from the French government under the "Investissements d'Avenir" program. The project is part of the EMSO-Azores regional node (, and EMSO ERIC Research Infrastructure ( The research program was partly funded by an ANR research grant (ANR Lucky Scales ANR-14-CE02-0008-02).