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Communication video for the Sea Tech Week France India Workshop on Ocean Technology
The Sea Tech Week France India Workshop on Ocean Technology is organized by IFREMER (France) and the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) (India), in Brest on September 28, 2022, on the following topics : underwater Vehicles and Marine Instrumentation (including sensors, instruments/tools, systems for ocean exploration), Ocean Observation Platforms and Data Acquisition (focus on deep-sea extreme environments), Technologies for Coastal Zone Management, Blue Economy, and Deep-sea Ecosystems.
The event is presented by SEA TECH WEEK news as a session gathering scientists and engineers from France and India to discuss avenues for cooperation in marine science and technologies, echoing the bilateral roadmap on the blue economy and ocean governance which has been established in the wake of the French government’s Indopacific strategy and the government of India’s Deep Ocean Mission program.
Partnerships, SEA TECH WEEK, External events
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48.36222N, 48.36222S, -4.56362E, -4.56362W