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1 Video(s)
No repellent effect of neodymium magnet on pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea): test in captivity
Strong magnets have been trialled as a means of deterring sharks from approaching baited hooks. Preliminary observations on captive pelagic stingrays (Poisson et al. 2019) when strong magnets mainly composed of neodymium (26mm×11mm×12mm 0.885 T from Ingeniera Magnetica Aplicada, Barcelona, Spain) were placed close to the food should little or no effect of magnetic repellents, and such systems would be unlikely to reduce catch rates.
Underwater view, Fishing gears, Testing
Pteroplatytrygon violacea (pelagic stingray)
43.615225N, 43.615225S, 7.120811E, 7.120811W
The present study is the outcome of a project “RéPAST”, funded by France Filière Pêche (FFP), IFREMER and the Regional councils of Hérault, Pyrénées-Oriental, Languedoc Roussillon (France), carried out in collaboration with the fishing sector.