2 Video(s)

Underwater observations of Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan, Procellariidae) interactions in the western Mediterranean French pelagic longline fishery

Instrumented longline gears were deployed in collaboration with French commercial longline vessels to study underwater the megafauna capture/escapement processes. Underwater cameras affixed on the branchlines 1-2 metres above the hook deployed on hooks between have enabled a precise description of interactions of several shearwater and two Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan, Procellariidae)  with the baited hooks. Studying and decrypting the underwater behaviours of seabirds provides new insights into their interactions with the fishing gear. Videos showed that seabirds could interact with the fishing gear during the gear soak to a depth of ca. 10m, long after the gear setting ends and after the fishing vessel departed the fishing grounds. These observations revealed cryptic events of successful and non-successful attempt in grabbing and ingesting the bait at depths to ca. 10 m, suggesting that bycatch mitigation approaches are needed during multiple phases of fishing operations, and not just during setting and hauling as is the prevailing paradigm. No birds were observed captured during the underwater video monitoring.


Seabirds, Fishing methods


Puffinus yelkouan (Mediterranean shearwater, Yelkouan shearwater)


42.804722N, 42.804722S, 9.544722E, 9.544722W


The Gen&Rec project (“Distribution and behaviour of swordfish spawners and juveniles in the vicinity of Corsica”) was an IFREMER programme financed by the European Union (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund – EMFF) and by the fishing industry (France Filière Pêche - FFP), conducted in close collaboration with French swordfish longline fishers.

How to cite
Poisson Francois (2022). Underwater observations of Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan, Procellariidae) interactions in the western Mediterranean French pelagic longline fishery. Ifremer. https://doi.org/10.24351/101595

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